2/2017 pp. 3-7

The paper presents the possibilities of using automatic switching, as a system for providing uninterrupted power supply in buildings located in the area of frequent interruptions in the power supply or equipped with renewable energy sources. Apart from the idea of the installation the paper presents an example of the program to control various functions of the system and software for visualization by tracking the availability of some power sources, to simulate their readiness for operation. The main focus is on simplicity and intuition in the use of programs that are available to the average user and can be used and modified from home, eg. a notebook or phone. For the analysis we used a fictitious electrical wiring design of a residential building, which is connected to renewable energy sources. Having selected the appropriate equipment and security, we divided the installation into sections of receiving power in terms of the validity of the power, which includes the automatic control.
Słowa kluczoweautomation, electrical power, control, automatic switching, programmable relays, PLC
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