1/2017 pp. 34-40
Wybrane zagadnienia oczyszczania powietrza z pyłów powstających podczas produkcji mebli w technologii płyty komórkowej

The article describes the plants pneumatic extraction systems working in one of the IKEA factories in Poland. Basic data on these installations and pulse-jet bag filters that were working in the individual production lines were collected. Special attention has been paid to technical solutions used in filters. Construction of the filter station and the terms that occur inside the filter as significant factors affecting filtration process were analysed. Presented insights and observations form the basis to determine the connection type and degree of fragmentation of the dust and its conditions of discharge from workstations with dust collectors and built-in solutions in them.
Słowa kluczowepulse-jet filter bag, non-woven filter media, wood dust, dust separation, furniture factory
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