4/2016 pp. 68-77
Aspekt bezpieczeństwa w planowaniu terenów zagrożonych powodzią
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The sustainable development is connected directly with a spatial politics among others within the framework of spatial order. Spatial politics on the flood land in order to be carried out in harmony should integrate general objectives, i.e. the prosperity being a result of the development with principles of the sustainable development, justice in the access to resources (real estates) and management of them, as well as the widely understood health safety and lives on such areas. It should include the town-and-country planning, environmental conditioning, including restrictions in intensive developing of the flood land but the politicians should take into consideration greening of town-and-country planning and protection against floods. The sensible planning on the flood land is a main factor being able to prevent or minimize dramatic effects of floods in the future so the politics on these particular areas must reconcile businesses of all interested parties, of both residents and the commune. The system of the technical protection was presented on the example of the Zachodniopomorskie province. Cities should be designed in a way to limit their negative environmental impact to the minimum, and at the same time to link the built environment with the natural environment, with respect to the community, cultural legacy, but also including the economic calculation. The system is addressed to designers, self-government bodies and citizens. There is a special system prepared for it which contains a lot of databases facilitating the decision making about the location of an investment.
Słowa kluczowewater Directive, floods Directive, areas of potential and imminent flooding, map of flood risk, map flood risk, local land development plan
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