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Technical Issues
4/2016 pp. 47-54

Wrocławskie realizacje Alfreda Vöcke

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In the beginning of the 20th century Wroclaw was one of the cities where the rapid development was apparent in many fields. A lot of well-known architects and artists that created the space of the city in a very spectacular and dynamic way lived there. Among many names there is Alfred Vöcke - a sculptor. His name is usually connected with the buildings designed by one of the most famous architect of the beginning of the 20th century - Max Berg. Alfred Vöcke usually created an architectural detail as low reliefs in the area of the main entrance. A lot of his works survived to the present day so it is possible to confront the mind of the sculptor with the reality of the condition of the buildings and the low reliefs. Thanks to the studies it is possible to draw the way of renovation of survived buildings with the original architectural detail.

Słowa kluczowe

Alfred Vöcke, Wroclaw, modernism, Art Déco, art, sculpture, low relief, architectural detail


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