backPowrót do 3/2016
Technical Issues
3/2016 pp. 67-73

Optymalizacja parametrów pracy aparatury pomiarowej w analizie pierwiastkowej tkanek miękkich techniką ablacji laserowej z detekcją w spektrometrze mas z plazmą sprzężoną indukcyjnie

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Operating parameters of measurement equipment for the laser ablation of detection in the mass spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma were optimized. Optimization was employed in order to choose the conditions for carrying analyzes to ensure high analytical signal intensities and low values of relative standard deviation. Optimization was performed on a model sample with physicochemical properties similar to those of real samples of soft tissue. The following parameters underwent optimization: the energy of the laser pulse frequency, beam diameter and scanning speed. The selection of the optimal operating parameters was determined based on the intensity of the signal analysis, RSD value and visual evaluation of the process of ablation. Measurements were made using a quadrupole ICP-MS spectrometer (Elan DRC II PerkinElmer) with a laser ablation system (LSX-500 Cetac).

Słowa kluczowe

laser ablation, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, optimization of operating parameters of instruments, soft tissue


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