4/2015 pp. 26-31
Ocena produktów alkalicznej aktywacji metakaolinu oraz haloizytu poprzez obserwacje SEM

The paper presents a brief description of clay materials such as kaolinite and halloysite. In order to improve their sorption properties their properties and methods of activation are presented. The results of alkaline activation of two minerals: metakaolin and halloysite are shown. Alkaline activation process is performed with different parameters. The paper presents the results of the morphology obtained by the synthesis of the materials and the results of their chemical composition. As a result of the processes of alkaline activation of tested materials different phases in chemical composition and morphology were obtained. The best results were obtained for metakaolin with activation with a solution of 10M, for halloysite with activation of 5M solution. The results testify to obtain fraction of zeolite in the materials tested.
Słowa kluczowezeolite synthesis, alkaline activation, metakaolin, halloysite
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