2/2017 pp. 48-58
Obecna struktura przestrzenna krajobrazu rolniczego i skutki lokalizacji zabudowy mieszkaniowej jednorodzinnej

In the past, croft buildings linked with the place of living and work of a farmer were the only one built in the rural areas. The development of plots followed models typical for a given region. The architectural form of buildings varied and the same applied to the construction suitable for local conditions and individual decorative elements and details. The arrangement of villages and croft buildings typical for a specific rural area comprised its rural landscape. Today, the strong migration to rural areas brought changes to the residential development. Estates of single family houses have been growing rapidly in the rural areas. Those new houses are contemporary in their form and details. According to observations made by the author and studies of processes related to the new housing development in various communes of the Western Pomerania Province, Poland, in the past 10 years, new forms of houses have their impact on the rural landscape. Unfortunately, they do not necessarily bring any added value to the rural landscape. The location of buildings at their plots requires particular attention, just as the size of those plots as well as form and scale of houses. Unfortunately, grange houses or manor houses surrounded by parks belong to the past and are no longer designed today. The topic raised in the article points to the necessity of building the understanding among the new users of rural space as regards the composition of the landscape. The author examines the location of new single family houses and the issue of the rural landscape.
Słowa kluczowecroft buildings, degrees of landscape diversity, rural landscape
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